Saturday, 13 July 2013

A day in the life

A day in the life of an anonymous Arts Together group. One of those sessions that seemed particularly manic partly due to it being the last day of this project and everyone wanting it finished (which it wasn’t – artist doing that at home), and also because of some social politics (which I still haven’t got to the bottom of) and things going missing in the kitchen (no ice cream to go with pudding, or fruit for the diabetics) and it being a member’s 91st birthday (son brought in delicious cake with candles. A, bless her, brought her a potted plant) and just one of those weeks!

But the joy members bring:
  • G (93, very wobbly, walks with stick) taking a large bowl to the kitchen to clear up after lunch, with V at her elbow in case she wobbled.
  • B (dementia) and P (in 90’s) folding the table cloths (double bed sheets) looking very precarious as they tried to match corners, and doing opposite ones to each other, but getting there in the end.
  • G saying how happy she was, and promising she would come to the picnic next week in her bikini.
But hell, I’m knackered. Don’t know how the volunteers do this every week!

Finally a member’s comment; “As a participant I was concentrating  so much apart from singing Happy Birthday three or four times, it all seemed quite normal. However I must admit it was a little hectic, but as always great fun.”


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About Arts Together

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Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Arts Together is an award winning charity which brings professional artists and older people together for weekly creative workshops. For over 10 years we have been helping to improve the quality of life for isolated older people through the provision of a range of participatory arts projects, creative activities and cultural events.