Wednesday 11 November 2015

Corsham Christmas Lights Switch On

Hello lovely Arts Together supporters! Our next fundraiser/awareness event is: 

Corsham Christmas Lights Switch On 


Friday 4th December 5pm-7.30pm

We are having a gazebo with a display and pamphlets and a CAKE SALE!

We are in need of volunteers and cake donations so if you think you or someone you know can donate cakes or time please let me know.

The lights switch on is a great opportunity to spread the word about Arts Together as most of Corsham turns out to see the beautiful lights down the High Street.

There will be entertainers, music, Christmas market, late shop opening times, mulled wine and roasted chestnuts as well as Father Christmas and real live reindeer! Come spend a lovely evening and help a good cause.

If you are able to donate cakes but not able to make the event please let me know and I'll see if we can collect them.

Many thanks for your continued support - please forward to interested parties and any great bakers you know!

All the best,


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About Arts Together

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Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Arts Together is an award winning charity which brings professional artists and older people together for weekly creative workshops. For over 10 years we have been helping to improve the quality of life for isolated older people through the provision of a range of participatory arts projects, creative activities and cultural events.